Anything for Us Older Chess Players?
Pro golfers hit a point in their careers when their ability to play at the elite level is compromised. World class boxers reach a point when their reflexes just can’t match their younger opponents. NBA players are said to reach a point where their bodies tell them it’s over. What about how age impacts chess players? If you look at the world class chess players, you may notice how young they are. I recently read an article by Peter Doggers on dated October 21, 2020 which reported player’s peak between 35 and 45 years of age.
What’s it like being a player older than 45? From a personal experience, I know I get tired much easier. I’m fine with what I do for a living since I’ve long adjusted to that grind. However, playing a game of chess requires me to adjust my day to stay fresher energy wise. I need to be rested in order to concentrate for the extended period which a game of chess demands from me.
So, is there anything we can offer locally to even the playing field for older players? Yes. In cooperation with the San Antonio Public Library, those of you 50 years of age and older are invited to play in a FREE 5 round non rated Senior’s Chess Tournament. It will be held at Julia Yates Semmes library on Saturday, August 13, 2022. See the attached flyer for more information.
There are a number of chess tournaments held in the local area for our young scholastic players. There are chess tournaments for players of all ages. This tournament is a way of leveling the playing field for those of us who are of a more advanced age. If this tournament generates enough interest, we can look at adding more senior chess tournaments in the future. Support your local chess community by taking part. It should be fun. Those of you who meet the age criteria and haven’t played in years, you have time to knock the rust off your game to be ready by mid-August. You will be expected to provide your own chess sets and clocks.