Middle/High School San Antonio City Championship
This is a rated USCF tournament open to all students 6-12. Only the top Bexar County student may win the title of San Antonio Junior Champion. The tournament will be held on Saturday July 16th at 10am. Same day registration is 9:00-9:45am on-site if not done online. Round 1 at 10:00am, all others as soon as possible (usually finish around 3pm). Time control: G/30;d5.
Sections and Prizes:
- 6-8 – Trophies to the top 5 individuals.
- 9-12 – Trophies to the top 5 individuals.
- One open section.
Entry fee:
- $20 if received before June 27th, $30 if received before July 4th, and $40 until the day of the event. $50 for on-site registration.
- Knight and King members play for free.
- $10 off for Pawn members.
Discounts automatically applied when signed in. If you have trouble, contact us.
For more information, click here.
To register, click here.